Apple Card will soon let users automatically deposit Daily Cash into a Savings account from Goldman Sachs

Apple Card will soon let users automatically deposit Daily Cash into a Savings account from Goldman Sachs
Apple News
Apple Card will soon let users automatically deposit Daily Cash into a Savings account from Goldman Sachs
Oct 14, 2022

Apple has spoken that in the coming months, World Vellum users will be worldly-wise to unshut the new high-yield Savings worth and have their Daily Mazuma automatically deposited into it — with no fees, no minimum deposits, and no minimum wastefulness requirements.

With the new Savings account, World Vellum users will be worldly-wise to set up and manage Savings directly in their World Vellum in Wallet. Once users set up their Savings account, all future Daily Mazuma received will be automatically deposited into it, or they can segregate to protract to have it widow to an World Mazuma vellum in Wallet.

Additionally, users will moreover be worldly-wise to petrifaction spare funds into their Savings worth through a linked wall account, or from their World Mazuma balance. Users can moreover withdraw funds at any time by transferring them to a linked wall worth or to their World Mazuma card, with no fees.

Image: Apple

Daily Mazuma is Apple’s name for cash-back earned from purchases made using the World Card. When users buy something with Apple Card, they get a percentage of their purchase when in Daily Cash. There’s no limit to how much Daily Mazuma a user can get, and it automatically goes into their World Mazuma account, so it can used just like cash.

Apple Vellum is only misogynist in the US. Users can make purchases using their World Vellum with World Pay on their iPhone, iPad, World Watch, and Mac, or with the optional titanium World Vellum wall card, which features no printed vellum number or security code, making it the world’s most secure credit card.

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