Apple AR/VR headset to cost around $3,000, some testers reportedly find the device uncomfortable

Apple AR/VR headset to cost around $3,000, some testers reportedly find the device uncomfortable
Apple News
Apple AR/VR headset to cost around $3,000, some testers reportedly find the device uncomfortable
Mar 27, 2023

Bloomberg’s Mark Gurman has doubled lanugo on previous reports that have suggested that Apple’s long-rumored new AR/VR headset could forfeit virtually $3,000, ultimatum that Apple held a secret gathering in the Steve Jobs Theater last week to showcase the company’s upcoming mixed-reality AR/VR headset to a group of roughly 100 highest-ranking executives, who were given a preview of the new device superiority of its rumored public unveiling in June.

In the report, Gurman says “executives are striking a realistic tone within the company” well-nigh the success of the first-generation of the headset, with the report ultimatum that the device will start at virtually $3,000,“ lack a well-spoken killer app,” require an external shower that will need to be replaced every couple of hours and use a diamond that some testers have deemed uncomfortable.

It is understood that Apple is hoping for  a similar trajectory as the Apple Watch for its new headset, with demand starting off fairly slowly, “launching with mediocre apps, a jumbled interface, a sluggish processor and an undefined purpose.”

“But over time, Apple improved the third-party app capabilities, simplified the operating system and added a faster processor. The product moreover found its role: It was a fitness tracker, health companion and an easy way to handle notifications,” the report reads.

Image: Ian Zelbo

Gurman says “The weightier hope for the headset is a similar outcome. In terms of unit sales, the first version will look like a dud next to the company’s existing products. It’s still likely to make Apple the market leader in mixed reality within a few months, but that’s just sign of how weak the current market is.”

In 2021 we saw The Information publish a sketch of the upcoming headset, ultimatum to have seen secret internal imagery from an unnamed source “with uncontrived knowledge” of the development, reporting that the device will offer a “sleek, curved visor tying to the squatter by a mesh material and swappable headbands.”

Concept creator Ian Zelbo has released visuals showing what Apple’s new headset will probably squint like based on older leaked information, featuring an Apple Watch-style willowy headband and AirPods Max reminiscent mesh cocoon for repletion virtually the wearer’s eyes.

Image: Ian Zelbo

The post Apple AR/VR headset to forfeit virtually $3,000, some testers reportedly find the device ‘uncomfortable’ first appeared on The Apple Post.